淮安教育网 校园招聘信息


时间:2016-06-28 08:20:12   编辑:淮安教育网


上海安费诺永亿通讯电子有限公司是美国安费诺集团在中国投资的美商独资公司,隶属于安费诺集团移动通信消费品事业部。自1999年以来本公司作为安费诺天线产品在亚洲的总部,已经投资了超过1200万美元的固定资产,建设了当今亚洲最复杂和最先进的天线/电磁研发中心,包括用于测试辐射对人的影响的SAR测试中心,以及测试天线全面特征的3D微波暗室等。本公司设计、制造并销售外置天线、内置天线以及拉杆式天线等,用于移动电话以及蓝牙? (BlueTooth?)、无线局域网(WLAN)、GpS、远程信息处理、M2M等无线通信系统;同时也从事手机小型电缆的组装等。我们在台湾、马来西亚、韩国、印度、芬兰等地建立了研发设计中心。本公司在2015年实现了38亿人民币销售额,在天线生产领域跃居世界首位,并已列入全球财富500强企业。








职位:Antenna / RF Design Engineer (上海北京)



Job Responsibilities:

Generate concept samplesI the prototype lab working with Mechanical Engineer and Craftsmen

Modify application to accommodate antenna testing

Design and install antenna and match circuit for optimal performance

Evaluate Antenna performance and report findings in a clear and understandable manner

Invent, Implement and realize electrical concepts that fulfill customer and internal expectations in a timely manner

Support the coordination of customer deliverables by providing Electrical Engineering expertise to the product Management Staff

Coordinate with and through procurement to leverage detailed knowledge from suppliers to enhance development and prototype effort

Engineer to be aware of electrical design risk, and develop design alternatives to minimize that risk

Active involvement and support to global production areas to be expected

Active mentoring and sharing of knowledge to promote increase departmental knowledge base


Majored in Microwave related

Significant theoretical and experience-based knowledge on the trade-offs inherent with antenna design;

Understanding and awareness of emergent trends in the global antenna and RF community etc

Solid grasp of SAR mitigation techniques and approaches is preferable;

Hands-on experience in Antenna design for mobile communication

职位:Antenna / RF Design Engineer (Research Innovation Team)

人数: 若干


Job Responsibilities:

Easy Communication with International/domesticCustomers/Suppliers/Colleagues/Academic Institutions

Able to use simulation tools/CAD tools/ Anechoid Chamber/ VNA/ CMU

Evaluate feasibility of new ideas and eliminate irrational/expensive/notproduce-able solutions

Eliminate manufacturing risks from the beginning of a project (FMEA) on atechnology/Material/process point of view.

Create periodical high quality reports and discuss specific subjects or presentation in front of an international audience

Ensure that any specific customized project can be run smoothly into Mass production

Establish good relationship with suppliers (existing/news) and drive their technology towards the Research team needs.

Arrange/host brainstorming with other RFEngineers to gather common experience for challenging projects.


Majored in Microwave related

Significant theoretical and experience-based knowledge on the trade-offs

inherent with antenna design;

Understanding and awareness of emergent trends in the global antenna and RF

community etc

Solid grasp of SAR mitigation techniques and approaches is preferable;

Hands-on experience in Antenna design for mobile communication

Fluent English (spoken, written)

Be interested in new technology of electro-mechanical field

热忱欢迎 电磁场及微波通信专业、电子信息工程、应用物理学、物理电子技术等相关专业的硕士生及博士生前来应聘。

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