please note: the Williams Writing Supplement is optional.
At Williams we believe that bringing together students and professors in small groups produces extraordinary academic outcomes. Our distinctive Oxford-style tutorial classes—in which two students are guided by a professor in deep exploration of a single topic—are a prime example. Each week the students take turns developing independent work—an essay, a problem set, a piece of art—and critiquing their partner’s work. Focused on close reading, writing, and oral defense of ideas, more than 70 tutorials a year are offered across the curriculum, with titles like “Biomedical Ethics,” “Women in National politics,” and “Extraterrestrial Life in the Galaxy: a Sure Thing or a Snowball’s Chance?” Imagine yourself in a tutorial at Williams. Of anyone in the world, whom would you choose to be the other student in the class, and why? (please limit your response to 300 words.)
I would love to have my best friend Diana to be my partner of the tutorial, who is nice, honest and studious, even though she is only of the same age with me and there is much she doesn’t know. In this tutorial, I don’t need a Mr.-Know-All to tell me everything, because if we meet difficulties beyond our power, we can consult the professor. Our independent work might not be perfect, but we could learn a lot from the mistakes of our own and each other.
威廉姆斯学院(Williams college)位于美国东海岸,地处马萨诸塞州威廉斯敦的Williams小镇,地理位置非常优越。
Williams college建于1793年,作为美国文理学院之首,它代表着美国最引以为傲的教育精髓——规模小、质量高,专注本科,崇尚通识和人文教育。她的教学特色是牛津风格(Oxford-style),在艺术史、环境科学、历史、政治、经济、英语、化学和生物这些学科上有很深的造诣。
Williams Colloge作为文理学院,具备了文理学院的六个特点:1.基本上不设必修课;2.传统上是昂贵的私立大学;3.学生人数在二千人左右;4.教授只教本科生,而不做研究工作;5.学校只提供语言,科学,及数学;6.学生专业是文理基础(Liberal Arts)。
Williams Colloge学生总人数 2000 左右,每年有大约 1200 名学生进入该校就读,国际学生占比:7%。
Williams Colloge推行小班制,每个班至多20个学生。每周教授和学生会以1对2的方式会面,共同讨论作业和课堂上的讲义。因此,每个学生都有机会和教授交流学术,教授也非常乐意给学生们提供帮助。这种便利让教授在写学生的介绍信时也会更加得心应手。因为申报主课要等到大学第二年四月份,所以学生有机会参加不同领域的课程,并且有足够的时间去考虑该选择什么主课。
在Williams Colloge不会被所谓种族歧视影响,这里是一个绝对自由的学习环境。Williams College甚至还做到招收学生一视同仁,对每个种族与肤色,有均衡比例的名额分配。对各式宗教信仰的尊重,更是让人敬佩的。