淮安教育网 留学


时间:2016-06-19 08:02:16   编辑:淮安教育网



Michigan State University recognizes that an assortment of interests, viewpoints, and life experiences are important in student learning and enhance the university community. Describe an experience, passion, or characteristic that illustrates what you would contribute to the MSU community and how this will add to the overall richness of campus life. (NOTE: personal Statement topics on the 2016 application for admission. The personal Statement is part of Michigan State's undergraduate application for admission. As part of the application, each applicant is required to submit a short essay of up to 400 words from a list of designated topics. This statement may be considered as a positive factor to enhance admissibility, as well as for scholarship consideration. )





Two years ago, an exchange student asked me what it's like to be “gender nonconformist” in China. While I was aware that my gender identity did not (and does not) fit neatly into the gender norms here, I could not find the right language at the time to express my thoughts.




Describe a significant experience from the past two years which required you to interact with someone outside of your own social or cultural group (ethnic, religious, geographic, socioeconomic, etc.). How did this impact you? What did you learn and what surprised you? (NOTE: personal Statement topics on the 2016 application for admission. The personal Statement is part of Michigan State's undergraduate application for admission. As part of the application, each applicant is required to submit a short essay of up to 400 words from a list of designated topics. This statement may be considered as a positive factor to enhance admissibility, as well as for scholarship consideration. )






On the first day of my study in Houghton Academy, I got a brochure outside the school gate. And this was written on the index page which deeply shocked me. I grew up in a traditional Chinese family and I read those Chinese classics when I was a little girl. I have been taught that men at their birth are naturally good.






美国密歇根州立大学不但是以教育和农业理论闻名、同时也是包装与音乐治疗研究的先锋。 密歇根州立大学拥有全美历史第二悠久的饭店管理学院。 密歇根州立大学的海外研修课程是全美单一校园大学中规模最大的一个、并提供超过六十个国家总计两百多个课程、遍及所有的洲包括南极洲。

在吸引国际学生方面,MSU一直以来极为重视,因此成为全美国际学生最多的大学之一。2009年在校的中国学生达到700名。密歇根州立大学被“新闻周刊”杂志(newsweek)评为全球大学100强,被美国最权威的学校排名机构“美国新闻和世界报道” (U.S.News and world report)评为美国大学100强,并在2006年被“Kiplinger”杂志评为最有价值的公立大学前100强。
