只有国际学生要写:布兰戴斯吸引了来自天涯海角的学子。作为我校的一名国际学生,你将如何丰富校园环境?请用下面的空作答。 字数限制:250词。
For International Students Only Brandeis attracts students from many corners of the world. As an international student at Brandeis, how would you enrich the campus community? (250 words or fewer)
For this prompt, unless you have never partaken in any kind of community service, the response should be relatively straightforward. They want to who you are and what you can do for the community. As a candidate, you can generally be classified as one of three archetypes: someone with multiple service opportunities to choose between, someone with only one main service goal, or someone who has never done any community service. If you are the first archetype and have several community service projects on your resume, you should aim to write honestly about the activity you were most passionate about! Think about which opportunity taught you the most, which you spent the most time on, or which you care about the most. An anecdote about your time in a club or a moment during the project could go a long way in showing the school why that particular part of your resume is so meaningful. If you have only one service goal or club, this essay is pretty straightforward. .....
“Why is the American girl taking the TOEFL test,” I heard the group of students behind me asking each other in Chinese, “Can Americans even take TOEFL?”....
布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University,简称Brandeis)是位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿地区沃尔瑟姆镇的一所的私立综合性大学,成立于1948年,虽然建校至今仅有短短的60余年的历史,但却已享有较高声誉,被誉为“全美最年轻的主要研究院大学”,素有“犹太哈佛”(Jewish Harvard)之美誉。布兰迪斯大学崇尚小班授课,培养精英为理念,本科和研究生总人数仅在5600人左右。
在以哈佛、MIT为首的,高等院校如云的马萨诸塞州波士顿地区,布兰迪斯大学位列八大研究型大学和波士顿五大名校之一。其他四大名校分别为哈佛大学(Harvard University)麻省理工大学(MIT),塔夫茨大学(Tufts University), 以及波士顿学院(Boston College)。学校无论是在商科,经济,政治,生物化学,物理,数学,社会学,或是人文科学等专业方面和科研都在全美名列前茅,是麻州一所不断进步的一流大学,为新晋美国著名大学之一。