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Offensive scribbling in English on a Chinese citizen's passport by Vietnamese border officials was shameless and cowardly, China's consulate general in Ho Chi Minh City said on Wednesday. It added that the incident had stained the dignity of both China and its nationals.
border officials是边检人员。
7月23日,中国公民( Chinese citizen)钟某在入境越南胡志明市时发现护照被污损( scribble),自己护照的第8页和第24页被写上了脏话(offensive words)。
2012年,中国开始发放新版护照( issued new passports)。新版护照在第8页、第24页和第46页印有包含南海“九段线”( the South China Sea dotted line)的中国地图暗纹。钟小姐护照被写脏话的地方,正是在第8页和24页中国地图中的南海“九段线”处。钟小姐表示,因为不会讲越南话(Vietnamese),所以当时也没在现场表态。她认为自己受到了侮辱(felt insulted),对越南公务员的素质很失望(very disappointed at the personal qualities of Vietnamese officials)。
中国驻胡志明市总领事馆(China's consulate general in Ho Chi Minh City)昨日在官网发表声明,代表中方表示愤慨( indignation)、蔑视( contempt)和谴责( condemnation),要求越方调查事件(investigate the incident),严肃处理相关责任人(seriously punish those responsible for it),并确保此类事件不再发生(ensure that such a case was not repeated)。越方表示将进行调查( conduct an investigation)。
本月初,有媒体报道称,越南边检人员(border control officers)以“九段线”违法为由,拒绝在印有南海“九段线”暗纹的中国护照上盖章( stamp),而给中国护照持有者单独开一张落地签证(issued with separate visas on arrival)。